As long as I can remember I’ve had an interest in knives and edge tools. It seems like every family vacation we’d take when I was younger would result in me returning with my latest bladed purchase. I grew to enjoy searching for higher quality blades for my collection as the years went on.
In addition, I have spent countless hours in the woods. Some have been hunting, others working, some exploring, and others building from the gifts of the woods. In order to do that one had to become acquainted with the ax and hatchet. I wish I knew how many swings I’ve taken in the woods over the years.
Sometime later I recall pondering what to get my dad for father’s day. I genuinely don’t enjoy buying gifts but prefer to make them instead. I decided to try my hand at crafting a knife from a disc blade from the farm and paired it with some black walnut from the woods I grew up in. The first knife.
As I look back on those times and experiences I realize they have all helped to shape my style of blade and edge tool creation. I build all my knives and edge tools for hard use. I build my creations to feel comfortable in your hands as no other tools have before. I build my tools to work hard and be dependable when you need them most.
Things have come a long way since those days running around in the woods and since that first crude knife from materials from the farm. Although the evolution has been great, unchanging is the desire behind each creation to perform solidly under all circumstances. Each creation is designed and built to exceed expectations.
I have enjoyed the journey so far and am excited to see what lies ahead in the next adventure.
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