I’m excited to announce that AW&K will be exhibiting at Bladeshow 2018 in Atlanta, Georgia from June 1-3!!!

Aside from completing custom client orders I will be designing and creating the show inventory over the next 5 months. In addition, I am working on designing my table space to exhibit at the show for the best customer experience.

If clients have testimonials they would like included in the new site please feel free to submit them at any time. I’m also contemplating the creation of a video testimonial segment that I might have available for show-goers to check out at the table as well. Please submit any information to wes@adkinswoodandknife.com.

I’m gracious to have the opportunity to present alongside many of the best knifemakers and designers in the world. If you have a day or two in early June and happen to be near Atlanta stop on in!!! I’ll have a little free swag for everyone and you might just see something in the show you can’t resist!!!

I would like to thank everyone who has supported myself and this endeavor over the years. Without all of you this opportunity would not exist. Stay tuned for updates along the way!!!