Work in the shop is coming along nicely! As per the title of today’s message I am playing catch up. As my final winter forestry project lasted longer than anticipated, I am currently a tad behind where I should be right not. That’s ok, I’ve streamlined some of my processes, revised a few others and eliminated some that were no longer beneficial.

It’s going well, and I’m energized by it! There are exciting things coming up with AW&K. Some I can talk about. Others I need to wait to reveal. No worries…I’m dropping a mammoth opportunity on Cinco de Mayo. It will be a fun and anticipatory way to get your hands on some cool historically valuable material.

What can I divulge? Plans are in the works to build a new AW&K shop this summer! This new space will allow for growth and refinement of my custom works. It will also serve as a steppingstone to bolster the AW&K offerings on a more regular basis with a high value for those who prefer to not wait the time for a custom build!

I am cranking right now and loving every second of it. I should be nearly caught up by the end of May and pushing forward into new frontiers!

I’m really interested to know what you would like to see more of! What can I create that would make your life easier? What adventure is on your horizon that I can best equip you for? Who in your life deserves that perfect meaningful gift for that special occasion in their life?

Drop me a line today at and let’s start the conversation! What I create for you isn’t just a tool. It’s a part of your lifestyle! You’re active and full of adventure…I’ve got you covered! You collect high end rare items…I have you too! You prep delicious nutrition for your family and loved ones…I have designs just for you! Those are just a few, so hit me up, I can’t wait to hear from you!

For now, the sun is shining. Spring temps are warming up, the days are longer, and the grass is greener. As this new season of natural growth takes shape it inspires me to nourish the growth of AW&K!!!